Basic Sound
If you have pulse, use pulse.
Check with which pulseaudio
. No output means you need to use alsa (below).
Volume Control
1pactl set sink @DEFAULT_SINK@ +5%
Find working outputs:
1aplay -l
#Sound Settings
Surround.5 seems best.
Find what Sound settings exist
amixer scontrols
Change a Sound setting
1amixer set Master 5%-
Restart everything
pulseaudio -k && sudo alsa force-reload
Toggle, mute, increase or decrase audio:
1amixer sset Master toggle
1amixer sset Master mute
1amixer sset Master 5%+
1amixer sset Master 5%-
Finicky Sound Cards
Start with:
Then press F6
to see available Sound cards.
If you find a Sound card called 'PinePhone', then you can select an audio source there, and adjust with:
1amixer -c PinePhone set 'Headphone' 50%