This is a minimum configuration file for /etc/mpd.conf
music_directory "/var/lib/mpd/music"
playlist_directory "/var/lib/mpd/playlists"
db_file "/var/lib/mpd/mpd.db"
pid_file "/run/mpd/"
state_file "/var/lib/mpd/mpdstate"
user "mpd"
audio_output { type "pulse" name "My Pulse Output" }
audio_output { type "fifo" name "my_fifo" path "/tmp/mpd.fifo" format "44100:16:2" }
You can use alsa instead of pulse, but don't unless you're on a Pi.
Since this is run as the mpd user, you'll need to grant that user pulse acceess, often with the user-group pulse
or pulse-access
, but your distro may vary.
1sudo usermod -aG pulse-access mpd
Working with mpd will be easier if you have access to its files, so maybe:
1sudo usermod -aG mpd $USER
Notifications (AUR)
Install mpd-notification
and then start the service:
1systemctl --user enable mpd-notification