Review: FDroid vs PlayStore

A direct comparison between the FDroid store and Google's PlayStore isn't possible. When you open the FDroid store, you see all recent apps. You can see everything, and even search in alphabetical order; start to finish. Google will never let you see everything, because of the unfiltered garbage on their platform. They don't have the manpower necessary to audit the software, but even if they did, the platform allows completely unaudited software from anyone able to compile some code, and press the 'upload' button.

Nevertheless, we can compare the PlayStore and FDroid by the vibes.

Open the PlayStore and go with the flow - install what it suggests, check the recommendations. You will soon find yourself staring wide-eyed at TikTok dances, and YouTube duck-faces telling you the sinister plans behind trans people who pee. You will have to sign into and sign up for everything. The calculators will ask permission to see your contacts, and access your calls.

FDroid has a distinctly different vibe. Opening the FDroid, the categories are telling you different things about you, the user which it expects:

  • Connectivity has
    • remote-controlled music players, and
    • VPNs.
  • Default apps include
    • tor browser (this isn't even in 'normal Networking' category, it is just 'the default')
    • PDF readers,
    • Scrambled exif,
  • Development, which is a normal thing to do on a phone, apparently, because apparently you're an ineffective nerd without a proper text editor at home.
  • Games includes
    • Sudoku,
    • 1,000 Solitaire variants,
    • OneAPP to manage your character in the One Ring Tabletop RPG, and
    • Alex vs Bus: the pixel art game where you catch a bus.
  • Science & Education includes
    • whoBIRD recognizes birds by their call, and
    • Bibleside (clearly miscategorised).
  • Time includes
    • Meditation: a redundant timer (the phone already has a timer in the clock app),
    • Petals: an app to help control your weed consumption,
    • QR Clock - alarm clock which won't stop until you get up and scan the QR code.
    • NFC Clock - alarm clock which won't stop until you get up and scan the NFC code.

These apps tell a very different story from the PlayStore. The FDroid store thinks you are a sleep deprived nerd who might need to smoke less weed, and maybe get out of the house and listen to the birds.