Native IT Food

'Traditional' food has fat, and has sugar if the region could import lots of it in the 1800's. Traditional Serbian food includes fat-fried meat with meat on it. Traditional Scottish food includes an egg, wrapped in meat, fried in bread-crumbs. I'm guessing most European countries follow suit.

These diets were developed for people who would lift rocks, break trees, tell pigs what to do, and build their own house as a side-hustle. When you meet these people, they may just look fat, because they are; but underneath that fat sits muscles which can break stone.

And now we work IT. We sit, comfortable and flabby, soft and meek, in front of a monitor, having opinions on languages which nobody speaks.

What I'm saying is, IT people should never eat 'traditional food'.

What I'm saying is, IT people need a new 'traditional food', and it should be mostly lettuce.